February 6, 2020

The finest software platforms

Famcom visualise, design and develop the finest software platforms, products and services. Working closely with our clients, our dedicated team has the ability to provide the best solutions in the industry, accomplishing goals and results that exceed your expectations. Don't just take our word for it - have a browse through some of our client..Read more
February 5, 2020

The Secret Tech Problem at Modern Art Museums

An interesting read on some of the tech problems facing modern art museums - in particular the section concerning the preservation of digital art and the software used as part of installations and exhibitions. As the technology used to create art evolves it makes sense that the methods used to preserve this art does too, in order to build a 'saf..Read more
January 29, 2020

Reality check: is VR set to revolutionise museums?

How is Virtual Reality affecting museums? With the release of the Louvre's 'Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass' VR experience, art lovers with their own VR headsets now have the opportunity to download the experience at home, and the museum has the option to share the experience in other locations (and not necessarily museums). What questions does this..Read more